What is the verb of 'computer'?
The 'predicate' is a group of words which.
Choose the correct sentence:
Which is incorrect?
A assertive sentence means:
Which is adjective?
What is the feminine gender of 'heir'?
How may parts are in a private letter?
A sentence can be changed by changing
Which is the noun?
If I------a millionaire, I----------help ever worth cause.
'Morning shows the days' is a-------
The English are-----nation.
'For good' means-
The summary of the passage was about laziness--------.
The second anniversary celebration of our institute will be held on December. Which of the following is the correct phrase for 'will be held' above?
What is the meaning of the word 'stanch'?
What is the synonym of the word 'Franchise'?
The last word of the proverb 'Handsome is that handsome-----.
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate option: