The antonym of Absurd is-
Fill in the blank with appropriate modal. If I knew it, I ______ tell you the matter.
'Dead letter' means
'Boot leg' means to
Instead of 'veracity' we can say-
What is the right translation? আমি ভর্তি হতে চাই ।
I have no aptitude _____ music.
Black holes are produced by-
What is the right translation? আমি যাবই যাবো ।
I am thinking ______ your house.
ইংরেজি Primary auxiliaries ভাষায় কয়টি ?
What is the correct translation? তিনি প্রায় চা খাইতেন ।
We were alarmed _____ the news.
Find out the clue ______ the mystery.
_________ has its reward.
Past Participle form of 'refer' is-
Glossary : Text ::
What is the adjective of the word ' Contempt'?
What is the antonym of 'Limpid'