Which one is plural?
Which is in the similar relationship to JUDGE: COURTHOUSE
. I am in favor of fishing but opposed......... hunting
Which is the antonym of HYPOCRITICAL?
A committee has been appointed to study a new procedure_ ......to eliminate some costly expenditure
. When the war broke my father joined the army.
. Certain formulae have to be learnt .............heart.
The soldiers were unable to determine where..............
Which is the synonym of ATROCITY?
Let's go to a picnic, ?
The UN envoy came to Bangladesh on............. visit.
The Congress respected Jefferson because, although he stern, he was fair.
.Pruniraity to the city centre ouakes a house more valuable
His fever is............. to ignore
I cannot bear to witness............. scenes of farewell
. Which of the following is in plural form
Collections of opals and quartz are featured at the City Museum's annual exhibition of precious stones.
A compound break is more serious than a simple one because there is more opportunity for more loss of blood and infection.
The remnants of the Roman Empire can be found in many countries in Asia, Europe and Africa.
A good student is fond _______books.