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Rabindranath was not on poet but also a philosophers
Rabindranath was a poet and philosopher
Rahindranath was both a poet and a philosopher
Rabindranath was a poet and also a philosopher
The poor man begged that I might have some food
The poor man begged that he might have some food
The poor man begged that he might had some food
The poor man begged that I might had some food
Let it have been done away with
on holidays he is reading detective stories.
on holidays he reads detective stories.
on holidays he has read detective stories.
on holidays he has been reading detective stories.
let not the poor be neglected
let not the poor neglected
Five deers and ten sheeps are grazing in the field
Five deer and ten sheeps are grazing in the field
Five deers and ten sheep are grazing in the field
Five deer and ten sheep are grazing the field
There was not good harvest due short fall of rain
There was bad harvest due drought
There was bad harvest due to little rainfall
There was bad harvest due to less rainfall
He will be a great poet ultimately
He will be a great poet in due course of time
He will be a great poet in course of time
At last he will be a great poet