Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
He will be having a lot of experience
He will has a lot of experience
He will have a lot of experience
He will have had a lot of experience
A bad woman quarrels with his tools.
All's well that ends well.
While there is life, there is hope.
তিনি সেখানে ধূমপানে বিরতি দিলেন।
তিনি ধূমপানের জন্য সেখানে থামলেন।
তিনি ধূপমান থেকে দূরে থাকলেন।
Does money grow on trees?
Money does not grow in the tree.
He will give you some forms to complete.
He will schedule one last meeting for you.
He will ask you what happened at the meeting.
He will give you the information you missed.
is creating more opportunities for developing countries
promises prosperity to poor countries
ensures equal trade among nations
is making poverty long-lasting
flew the first flying machine
invented and flew the first flying machine
designed flying machines for airlines
designed flying machines that could land on water.
running down... she might be
runs down .... she might be