Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Studying the weather patterns
Analyzing soil composition
Investigating biodiversity
Camouflaging in the environment
Serving as a defence mechanism
In painkiller development
There is a direct link between diet and toxicity
Diet has no impact on toxicity
Toxicity increases with captivity
Toxicity is solely determined by genetics
Lasting for a very short time
Existing throughout all of time and space
Having a profound and lasting impact
Easily forgotten or disregarded
suveniorre, questionnaire
The team of players are skilled
The team of players is skilled.
A group of geese is flying overhead.
The group of geese are flying overhead
A collection of books are on the shelf
I like swimming, running, and reading books.
She is not only smart but also tuany.
You can either spend your time wisely er frivolously
The teacher told the students that they should study hard, be plinctual, and do their homework, regularly.
He likes hiking more than campaign
The person whom I met yesterday is my cousin
The person whose I met yesterday is my cousin
The person who I met yesterday is my cousin
The person which I met yesterday is my cousin.
The person I met yesterday is my cousin.
They already ate when we had arrived
They already ate when we arrived
They have already eaten when we arrived
They ate already when we arrived
They had already caten when we arrived
She enjoys hiking, swimming, and biking
She enjoys to hike, to swim, and biking
She enjoys hiking, swimming, and to ride a bike
She enjoys hike, swim, and bike
She enjoys to hike, swim, and to bike.