Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
I wanted to see my ailing father and so i went home.
I went home in order that I might see my ailing father.
I went home to see my ailing father.
I went home seeing my father.
I have look for a good doctor before I met you..
I had look for a good doctor before I met you.
I looked for a good doctor before I had met you.
I am looking for a good doctor before meeting you.
He was a victim of Grave's disease
He was a victim of Addison's disease
He was a victim of strong cyclone to lose the movement of his muscles
He was a victim of diseases that enhances the control over his muscles
He was a victim of diseases that severely weaken, the control over his muscles
The officials expected to see someone to be a very absent minded
The officials expected to see someone to be a thoughtful person
The officials expected to see someone to be a well dressed person
The officials expected to see someone to be a smart and aristocratic person
The officials expected to see someone to be a rich and aristocratic person
A nice car had been by them.
A nice car was had by them.
A nice car had had by them
A nice car is had by them
No one eluded to the misfortune
No one could eluded to the misfortune
No one could elude from misfortune
No one eluded from misfortune
No one could be eluded to the misfortune
the early stage of electronics
the invention of electricity
the invention of transistor