Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Would you please don't worry?
Would you please not worry?
Would you please not to worry?
The boy whom you saw with me yesterday was my older brother.
The boy whom you saw with me yesterday is my elder brother
The boy whom you saw yesterday is my older brother
The boy who you saw with me yesterday was my elder brother
The prisoner said, "He I the wings of a dove!"
The prisoner told, "I have the wings of a dove."
The prisoner said in joy. "He had the wings of a dove."
The prisoner said. "Had I the wings of a dove."
As soon as the game started, the rain begin to fall
The rain began to fall as soon as the game started
The rain began to fall when the game started
As soon as the rain begin to fall, the game did start
Let the Jatka never be caught
Let not the Jatka ever be caught
Never the jatka be caught by you
The Jatka is caught by you
We reached the venue, We have watched the show.
We reached the venue, We can watch the show.
We reached the venue, We watched the show.
We reached the venue, We had watch the show.
I've never been to America
I've never was to America
where arts and culture originated
Which is a centre for arts and culture
where exhibitions are sometimes held
which is new to arts and culture