Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
By whom will he be paid ?
Tehrin loves boy that Tabinda is going to marry.
Tehrin who loves the boy is going to marry Tabinda.
Tabinda is going to marry, who Tehrin loves.
Tabinda that loves the boy, Tehrin will marry him
word formed from an abbreviation
pen name used by an author
The teacher told his students not to neglect their studies.
The teacher ordered his students that they might necklet their studies.
The teacher advised his students not to neglect their studies.
The teacher told his students that they should not to neglect their studies.
You told me that I do not do my duty.
You told me that I did not do my duty.
You said to me that I was not do my duty.
You told me that I had not do my duty.
The best poet of the country
a winter of the Nobel prize in poetry
The Court poet of England