Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Health is taken care by you.
Let your health taken care.
Let your health taken care of.
Let your health be taken care of.
The man was tall who stole my pen.
The man stole my pen who was tall.
The man who stole my pen is tall.
The man who stole my pen was tall.
I shall go to the university.
He is being gone to open a shop
A shop is being gone opened by him
A shop will be opened by him
A shop is going to be opened by him
to solve someone's problem
to throw somebody out of the house
Time should be used best .
Time should be spent well .
One should kill one's time well
One should make the best of one's time.
The teacher asked the boys to keep quiet
The teacher affectionately told the boys to keep quiet
The teacher ordered the boys to keep quiet .
The teacher affectionately asked the boys to keep quiet .
Confidence is lacked by him
He is lacked of confidence
Confidence is lacked to him
Save nine in a time stitch .
A stitch in time saves nine
We learn English from our childhood.
We are learning English since our childhood.
We have been learning English since our childhood.
We have been learning English from our childhood.