Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Do you know when the results will be published?
Do you know when the results published?
Do you know when will the results published?
Do you know when the results shall published?
a number smaller than any other
a large number but possible to count
the state of having no end or limit
Did you ever go to abroad?
Have you ever been to abroad?
Had you ever gone to abroad?
Have you ever been abroad?
In 'To daffodils' by Robert Herrick
In 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth
In 'Under the greenwood tree' by William Shakespeare
In 'The Cloud' by P.B.Shelley
My sister does not like backbiting and neither do I
My sister does not like backbiting and I do neither
My sister does not like backbiting and neither I do
My sister does not like backbiting and I do
a place of discharge from the bowels
a place where official papers are kept
Colour use in our culture