Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
পরিস্থিতি চরম অবস্থায় পৌঁছেছে
পরিস্থিতি উল্লেখযোগ্য হার ভালো অবস্থায় এসে দাঁড়িয়েছে
আপনি আমার অবিশ্বাস করেছেন
রবীন্দ্র ভারতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
There is no oil in the lamp
Many a boy waste their time in idleness
Neither Karim nor Rahim smokes cigarette
He, as well as his friends, were visiting the museum
The students along with the the teacher was working in the project
Although he is poor he is honest
Despite his poverty he is honest
In spite of his honesty he is poor
দাঁত থাকতে দাঁতের মর্যাদা বোঝা যায় না
দুষ্টু গরুর চেয়ে শূন্য গোয়াল ভাল
চেনা বামুনের পৈতের দরকার হয় না
To try in all possible ways
To apply unfair means to achieve something
Ten years had been passed
There are some chairs upstairs, are there?
Let's have a party, shall we?
My sister is permanentlly living in London
My sister always goes to London
My sister goes to London very often
My sister has goes to London at last once
Why didn't you bring the matter to my notice?
Why you did not bringing the matter to my notice?
Why dodn't you bring the matter to my notice?
Why is the matter not brought to my notice?
By whom is the mistake made?
By whom has the mistake been made?
By whom was the mistake made?
Why the mistake was made?
They said that they have won the game.
They said that they had been won the game
They said that they had won the game
They said that they would have won the game.
He said, " Let us have a glass of water".
He says, " Let me have a glass of water".
He asked , " Let me have a glass of water".
He said, " Let me have a glass of water".
The notion of patriotism is the same over time
People do not have the same views about patriotsm
The eighteenth century saw the emergence of thinocracy
Patriotism is related to one's love for the native land.
to speak in favour of the government
to speak against the government
to conspire against the homeland
to criticize the government when it goes wrong