Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0
He stays away from us.
He keeps himself far from us.
He keeps aloof from us.
He remains far far from us.
He keeps rather aloof from us.
Created: 5 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago
It is getting dark. You had better go home now.
John does not allow his sons to pluck any flower, let alone other children.
Play will resume as soon as the rain stops.
My son would rather stay at home than mix with bad companies.
I have never travelled by air. What it like flying in the sky?

Don't worry, I shall be back in a few minutes and join you.

While I was travelling in a train piece of luggage fell on my head.

It has been unbearable hot for the last two months.

He told me the same old story in great details.

He has no pencil to write with.

Verb post-modifier
Adjective pre-modifier
Adjective post-modifier
Adverb pre-modifier
Adverb post-modifier
Created: 4 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago
Created: 5 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago
People all over the world are starving greater numbers.
People all over the world are starving in more numbers.
People all over the world are starving more numerously.
People all over the world are starving in greater numbers.
People all over the world are starving greatly.
Adjective of quantity
Adjective of quality
Emphasizing adjective
Compound adjective
Exclamatory adjective
If you unable to do it I shall fine you.
Do it or I shall fine you
You can't do it I shall fine you
You have to do it or I shall fine you.
Even you can't do it I will fine you.
Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago


get injured

fall down

get excited

suddenly meet