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A unit (মানবিক) গ্রুপ-৪ (২০২২-২০২৩)।। (30-05-2023)
সকল বিষয়
যেই মাত্র সকাল হলো, অমনি বের হলাম ।
এ গ্রামে যে গির্জা আছে, ' সেটি ব্রিটিশ আমলে নির্মিত।
বড় ডাক্তার এসেছে, এখন আর ভয় নেই ।
আমরা যখন বাড়ি এসেছি, তখন রাত্রি হয়েছে।
স্বাস্থ্য, শিক্ষা, মাতৃমৃত্যু
শিক্ষা, শিশুমৃত্যু, প্রত্যাশিত আয়ু
শিক্ষা, স্বাস্থ্য, প্রত্যাশিত আয়ু
He said to us to make a team for this.
He said that we should make a team for that.
He proposed to us to make a team for this.
He asked if we can make a team for this o.
English is spoken by people.
English is spoken in England.
English has been spoken in England.
English is most natural when spoken by the English.
appreciate the beauty of sunlight at night.
suspend your judgement till the end.
neglect the present situation for the glories of the past.
remember a fair day at night.
I am looking forward to receive her.
I am looking forward to have received her.
I am looking forward for receive her.
I am looking forward to receiving her.
To get admitted to a university is not easy.
To get admitted in a university is difficult
To become a university student is not easy.
Entering into a university is not so easy.
His problems are his, not yours.
বর্গের প্রথম ও দ্বিতীয় ধ্বনিকে
বর্গের তৃতীয় ও চতুর্থ ধ্বনিকে
Life becomes a broken-winged bird.
Life becomes meaningless.
Life becomes troublesome.
we could catch the robbers
we could have caught the robbers
we would catch the robbers
people suffering from net-phobia
regular and keen net users
net users with a critical attitude
negative citizens in cyberspace.
people guiding others with their enlightened mind
philosophers and scientists
scholars with exceptional qualities
establish an equitable society.
maintain order in the society.
see the truth and teach it to others.
a place separated from normal life
the society does not support the growth of intellectuals.
it is difficult to be an intellectual.