Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
শিক্ষাবর্ষঃ ২০১৩-২০১৪
সকল বিষয়
You were displeased at me
You were displeased by me
You are displeased with me
কেবল সবাত শ্বসনের প্রথম ধাপ
সবাত ও অবাত শ্বসনের প্রথম ধাপ
কেবল অবাত শ্বসনের প্রথম ধাপ
সাধরাণত সবাত শ্বসনের প্রথম ধাপ
It is done by you , I said
It is ordered by him to do that
পদার্থটি তাপ পরিত্যাগ করে
অণুসমূহ অধিক গতি শক্তি অর্জন করে
অণুসমূহ স্বাধীনভাবে ছুটাছুটি করে
তাপমাত্রা বৃদ্ধি পাইতে থাকে
The officials expected to see someone to be a very absent minded
The officials expected to see someone to be a thoughtful person
The officials expected to see someone to be a well dressed person
The officials expected to see someone to be a smart and aristocratic person
The officials expected to see someone to be a rich and aristocratic person
A nice car had been by them.
A nice car was had by them.
A nice car had had by them
A nice car is had by them
বিঃদ্রঃ-(নিজে চেষ্টা করুন সঠিক উত্তরটি জানা নেই)
He could not come to school for illness .
He could not come to school on account of illness.
He could not come to school due to illness.
He could come to school because of illness.
He could not come to school on account of his illness.
It just affects the environment
It Just affects the food price .
It just affects the land .
It just affects the people.
It affects both people and the environment.