Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
নাইট্রোক্সিরিলক অ্যালকোহল
He was liked by all his pupils
He is like by all his pupils
He is liked by all his pupils
He has liked by all his pupils
new irrigation wterways were built
men who had been soldier provided a plentiful work force
the slaughtering of cattle turned much range land into farmland
the great Lakes were linked
Babu requested kapil to do come sometime.
Babu requested kapil to come sometime.
Babu asked Kapil to come sometime.
Babu requested kapil to please come sometime.
Dr. Abdullah Al Muti Sharfuddin
Specialezed Knowledge and training are the utmost necessity for a country like Bangladesh.
Specialization makes a person unfit for other generalized jobs.
Specialization can work properly in a developed country.
Vocational institutions can compete with college and universities as far as student hunting is concerned
Development of competitive business environment
Destruction of natural environment
শুধু x ক্রোমোজোমের হোমোলোগাস অঞ্চলে
শুধু x ক্রোমোজোমের নন - হোমোলোগাস অঞ্চলে
শুধু y ক্রোমোজোমের নন - হোমোলোগাস অঞ্চলে
মিয়ানমারের একটি জাতিগোষ্ঠি
পূর্ব মিয়ানমারে বসবাসকারি জনগণ
থাইল্যান্ডের একটি জাতিগোষ্ঠি