Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
you are requested to give me a taka
I am requested to give him a taka
A taka is requested to give you
See the word in the dictionary
Loop up the word in the dicrionary
Find out the word in the dictionary
Pick up the word in the dictionary
কোনো দ্রব্যের অভাব মেটানোর ক্ষমতা
The poor is born to suffer
The poor are born to suffer
Poor is born are to suffer
I am not in need of wealth
I do not hanker after wealth
I do not unlimited wealth
I am not interested about wealth
Father prayed that I might pass the examination
Father said to me that I may pass the examination
Father prayed that I may pass the examination
Father said to me that I must pass the examination
Paper is made through wood.
যে বলের মান খুব বড় কিন্তু ক্রিয়াকাল খুবই ক্ষণস্থায়ী
যে বলের মান খুব কম এবং ক্রিয়াকাল খুবই ক্ষণস্থায়ী
He said that he is learning English online
He said that he was learning English online
He says he learning English online
he has left the country for his own good
He has left the country permanently
He left the country for a better future
He left the country for good job
মূলবিন্দুগামী সরলরেখা হবে