Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
a fish which has been taken out of water
an uncomfortable situation for a person
Work conditions have no effect on productivity
Higher productivity is related to work conditions
Cordial relationship between employee and supervisor is a bar on productivity.
Poductivity is much less affected by changes in work conditions
Poductivity increases with the light intensity
সম্পত্তি ও মালিকানা স্বত্ব কমবে
যার কোনো প্রকার ক্ষমতা নেই
অক্ষম ব্যক্তির বৃথা আস্ফালন
By whom you were taught French?
By whom French was taught you?
By whom were you taught French?
He was living eighty years
He lived for eighty years
নিরভরাংকদ্বয়ের জ্যামিতিক গড়ের সমান
নিরভরাংকদ্বয়ের গাণিতিক গড়ের সমান
নিরভরাংকদ্বয়ের তরঙ্গ গড়ের সমান
Bangladesh Financial Recording Standards
Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards
Bangladesh functional Reporting Standards
Bangladesh Functional Recording Standards
How much intelligent do you think he is?
How intelligent do you think he is?
How do you think he is intelligent?
Do you think how intelligent he is?
Supreme Judicial Councial
Supreme Jurisdiction Council
A cat is begin had by me.
A cat is had been had by me.
A cat is have been had by me.
The water of sea is saline.