Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
I prefer singing to dance
I prefer singing to dancing
Many a man were present in the meeting.
Many a man was present in the meeting.
Many a man had present in the meeting.
Many a man have been present in the meeting.
He insisted me to do this work.
He insisted in doing this work.
He insisted me on doing this work.
He insisted on my doing this work.
I have never seen so a dull boy.
I have never seen a so dull boy.
I have never seen so dull boy.
I have never seen so dull a boy.
both a noun and an adjective
Who will be done the work?
By whom will the work be done ?
Whom will the work be done ?
Let the work be done by me
Let the work be done by I
I know where was his birth place
I know his birth place where was
Everybody should deny that truth
All should accept the truth
Anybody should deny the truth
Everybody should admit the truth
To be partner of business
a person who believe in ideas.
a person who can cure all.
a person who takes pleasure from food and drink
a person who is beyond cure.
To carry coals to Newcastle.
To carry the cool to Newcastle
To carry coal to Newcastle
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Many saints spoil the broth
Too saints spoil the broth
As many cooks spoil the broth
she has not intentioned to go abroad
she does no intent to go abroad
she does not intend to go abroad
she does no intention to go abroad
কৌশলগত অস্ত্রহ্রাস সংক্রামক চুক্তি
System Identification Mode
Subsriber Identity Module
Subscriber Identification Module
মাগরুর বিমান ঘাঁটি, করাচি
বুদ্ধিজীবী কবরস্থান, মিরপুর
ব্রহ্মপুত্র বহুমুখী প্রকল্প