Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
What a wonderful picture it is!
Get some cold water from the fridge.
They bought some utensils from the shop.
quick understanding ability
Hunger is the best sauce.
Hunger is the best honey.
Hunger is the best anger.
Hunger is the best sugar.
An elephant of white color
A very costly or troublesome possession
Some flowers are plucked by her.
Some flowers were plucked by her.
She was plucked some flowers.
Some flower had been plucked by her.
The boy, said he is hungry.
The boy said that, he had been hungry.
The boy said that, he was hungry.
The boy said that, he is hungry.
His book has recently been published.
His book was recently published.
His book has recently published.
His book was recently being published.
She wants to come. does she?
She wants to come, won't she?
She wants to come, isn't it?
She wants to come, doesn't she?
He asked me why i was late.
He asked me why was i late.
He asked me why was i late?
He asked me why i was late?
He wears a colored glass.
The house is made of glass.
The window is made of glass.
If you work hard, you would pass.
If you worked hard, you should pass.
If you worked hard, you could have passed.
If you had worked hard, you could have passed.
যেই এখানে আসে সেই কষ্ট পায়
যে এখানে আসে সে জ্বরে পড়ে
যে এখানে আসে সে রাত্রে খায়
মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক ডায়েরি
মস্তিষ্কের বৃদ্ধি জনিত সমস্যা
মস্তিষ্কের রক্তক্ষরন জাতীয় সমস্যা
শ্রবনশক্তির ঘাটতি জনিত সমস্যা
মস্তিষ্কের বিকাশ জনিত সমস্যা
একটি নির্দিষ্ট আয়তনের দ্রবণ তৈরিতে
অম্ল ও ক্ষারের টাইট্রেশন কাজে
বিপজ্জনক তরল সংরক্ষণের কাজে
after the sun sets at night
স্টিফেন বোল্টজম্যান ধ্রুবক
রেস্ট্রিকশন এন্ডোনিউক্লিয়েজ এনজাইম