Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
Shilipi prohibited Ryan to do it
shilipi ordered Ryan to do it
Shilipi proposed Ryan not done that .
Shilipi begged Ryan to do it .
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
আত্মীয়দের বিশ্বাসঘাতক তাকে
অতি মাত্রায় নির্ভরশীল মানুষ
বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্রোপাধ্যায়
বরেন্দ্র রিসার্চ মিউরিয়াম
পায়ের আওয়াজ পাওয়া যায়
বেগম ফজিলাতুেন্নসা মুজিব হল, ঢাবি
She will buy Anindita a gift
I know about his birth and its day .
His birthday is know to me .
I know when he was born .
This is his birthday and I know it .
Let you and me do the work.
He laughed and intered the room.
He entered the room, and laughed.
He intered into the room laughing.
Entering the room he laughed.
He is not a L.L.B but an B.Sc.
He is not an L.L.B but an B.Sc.
He is not an L.L.B but a B.Sc.
He is not a L.L.B but a B.Sc.
Pen throuhgt of the word.
I also had a part of our freedom fighter.
I also took part in our freedom fighting.
I also had taken a part of our freedom fighting.
I also was a part of freedom fighting.
আদি অবস্থায় পানি ও বরফের অনুপাতের উপর নির্ভরশীল।
His information are false.
His informations is false.
His informations are false.
His information is false.
Hot and cold both is opposite.
Hot and cool both are opposites.
Hot and cool are opposite
Hot and cold are opposites.
He is one of the rudest men I've ever met.
He is one of the rudest man I ever met.
He is one of the rudest man I've ever met.
Of all the men I've ever met, he is the rudest.
The boy said that he would have a pencil.
The boy said that he might have a pencil.
The boy I told that you will have a pencil.
The boy told that he needed a pencil.
My father said that he will have them cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
My father said that he would have had a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
My father said that he had have a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
My father said that he would have a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
Punctuality is insisted on in this office.
Punctuality be insisted in this office by us.
Punctuality should be insisted in this office by us.
Punctuality is insisted in this office by us
Liars are not liking by him.
Liars are not liked by him.
He was rich and close-fisted.
He was rich who was also close-fisted.
He was rich because he was also close fisted.
He was rich but close fisted.
Cox's Bazar is the most beautiful sea beach.
Cox's Bazar is the worldest most beautiful sea beach.
The most beautiful sea beaches in the world is Cox's Bazar.
Very few sea beaches in the world are are as beautiful as Cox's Bazar.
Walking on the grass is entirely forbidden.
Walking on the grass is forbidden.
Do not walk on the grass.