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English for Toady
earning better wages in a better working condition
establishment of labour court
the movement in 1948 for language
the movement in 1971 for freedom
the movement in 1952 for language
the movement in 1952 for freedom
The movement on 21 February 1952
The declaration of Jinnah on 21 March 1948
The act of defying law on 21 February 1952
The killing on 21 February 1952
About the state language of Pakistan
About the suffrage of the people
About the defence policy of Pakistan
About collecting more tax from the eastern part
To arrange a fair election
To stop the applause of the mass
to establish 21 February as a national holiday
to establish Bangla as a state language
to protest conspiracy of Pakistan authority
the eastern part of Bangladesh
the east part of the present Pakistan
It paved the way to independence.
It raised a crisis among the Pakistan Army.
led to the declaration of International Mother Language Day.
It led to the Language Movement.
The Pakistanis would speak Urdu
The Bangalees had to forget Bangla
Offices would use only Urdu
None could speak any other language.
For the declaration of national holiday
Because of declaring Urdu as the only state language
For the equal rights of all people
For the suffrage of people
Mother Teresa and other nuns
Both of them are funded by Mother Teresa
Both of them have their headquarters in India
Both of them work for the poor.
Both of them work for the survivors.
providing the survivors with jobs
'Nirmal Hriday' means pure heart