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English for Toady
the start of the 19th century
the end of the 18th century
the start of the 18th century
the end of the 19th century
the thunderstorm in her life
the pangs and pains of her life
the erosion of the Jamuna
to explain the importance of river
to describe the impact of monsoon
to describe the effect of river erosion
to describe the fate of a woman
a traditional form of folk dance
a flame that makes people dance around it
a flame made by people to remember their past
She was much interested in her marriage.
She requested her parents to marry her off.
was not willing to get married.
Her father wanted Lipi to continue her studies.
to focus on the life of rural women
to depict the condition of our rural society
to show the consequence of early marriage
to focus on the poor girls' fate in our villages
gathered the dying people
brought them to Nirmal Hridoy