Environmental pollution traps heat waves surrounding the earth gradually and thus produces Greenhouse effects. There are causes of this calamity. The destruction and burning down of the forests, traffic jam in the streets, rapid growth of unplanned mills and factories the use of manufacturing products and the use of detergents. etc cause Greenhouse effects. Besides. overpopulation, air pollution, pollution and increase of temperature are also Important causes for It. As our country Is overpopulated we need more houses to live In. Similar is the case with many other countries. For housing they need to cut trees. This causes natural imbalance. Even the unplanned setting up of mills and factories pollute the air, Carbon dioxide is mainly responsible for causing Greenhouse effects. This Carbon dioxide is produced by burning fossil, burning wood as fuel in a large scale. This Increases surface temperature from 1.5° to 5,50 and results in Greenhouse effects. Bangladesh is one of the most overpopulated countries in the world. The number of population is very high in comparison with her land area. Her density of population per square kilometer is about 1,500. Climatologists predict that in the middle of this century temperature may rise by 4°C. This, can disastrously reduce food production, severely damage wild life and cause the rise of sea levels. Consequently is will flood. coastal areas damaging farmland and houses. It may take a serious turn making Bangladesh go under water.