Translate the following paragraphs into Bangla:
Amid Bangladesh's rapidly expanding foreign trade, trade-based money laundering has become a major concern for the banking industry. This includes over-and under-invoicing of goods and services and misdeclaration of goods. Needless to say, money laundering causes major problems for any country, perhaps more so for developing ones. This is especially so for a country like Bangladesh that is still struggling to significantly increase investment and, according to the government, generate enough tax revenue.
'মোবাইল ব্যাংকিং ও আর্থিক অন্তর্ভুক্তি' বিষয়ে ২৫০ শব্দে একটি রচনা লিখুন।
নভেল করোনা ভাইরাস (কোডিড-১৯) ও আর্থিক প্রণোদনা' বিষয়ে ২৫০ শব্দে একটি রচনা লিখুন ।
The geographic location of Bangladesh is strategically highly rewarding.