Give a suitable title to the passage?

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 6 days ago

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Translations: Bengali to English: বৈশ্বিক মহামারির সময়ে স্থূলতা ও বিষন্নতার হার অনেক বেড়ে গেছে। গবেষকদের মতে, বিষণতার সঙ্গে ওজন বৃদ্ধির গভীর সম্পর্ক রয়েছে। ওজন বাড়লে মানসিক অবস্থারও পরিবর্তন ঘটে, আরও বিষন্নতা ঘিরে ধরে। বিশেষ করে নারীদের মধ্যে বিষন্নতা বেশি দেখা যায়। একটি গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে, স্বাভাবিক ওজনের মানুষের চেয়ে স্থূলতার সমস্যায় আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তিদের বিষন্নতায় ভােগের হার প্রায় ৫৫ শতাংশ বেশি। ওজন বৃদ্ধির পরিণতি স্বীকার করতে হয় নারীদের বেশি। অতিরিক্ত মেদ শরীরে হরমােনের ভারসাম্য নষ্ট করে, যা তাদের ওপর নেতিবাচক প্রভাব ফেলে ও বিষন্নতা যা মন খারাপের পরিমাণ বৃদ্ধি করে।

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 2 weeks ago

Translation: English to Bengali Economic affluence and prosperity are likely to reduce the scope and necessity of social protest which is a common phenomenon in many of the developing nations. Though the proposition is not always true and failed to pass the test of time in many countries and many societies, governments in one developing countries nowadays strongly uphold the concept. That's why they have concentrated their focuses, resources and efforts to economic growth to turn their countries affluent and prosperous. The growth-centric or growth-obsessed drive towards prosperity mostly sidelines the distributive aspects which is a major factor of different social protests. Theoretically, social protest is defined as a form of political expression that seeks to bring about a social or political change by influencing the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of the public or the policies of an organization or institution. These protests generally take the form of overt public displays, demonstrations, civil disobedience and may also include covert activities like petitions, boycotts, lobbying, and even different online activities. In today's world, online activities have become a popular form of social protest, thanks to proliferation of social media and other virtual platforms, Social protest is also considered a strong tool to air the grievances and sometimes compel the government and relevant authorities to address the problems or fix the flaws. In Bangladesh, different kinds of social protests have been observed in last couple of years when economy registered an unrelenting growth Usually social protests mostly ended within a period of time and mostly never linger unless those are serious issues. Those who participate in the protests do not come for any revolutionary change overnight. They mostly want to draw the attention of the policymakers and authorities to rectify the defects within a reasonable time frame.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 2 weeks ago