(৯D-AB৬)১৬ ও (৩০৬-৫১)১০ যোগ করুন এবং ফলাফল বাইনারীতে প্রকাশ করুন। (১১০১০১) কোন সংখ্যা পদ্ধতির সংখ্যা হতে পারে বলে মনে করেন?
DOS কী? অপারেটিং সিস্টেমের কাজ ও প্রকারভেদ ব্যাখ্যা করুন।
X = A¯BC + AB¯C + ABC ¯ + ABC সমীকরণটির সরলীকৃত মান NAND এবং NOR গেইট দ্বারা বাস্তবায়ন করুন।
You are required to convert a 12-bit digital number to an analogue voltage over the voltage range of 0 to 3.3V with a Digital-to-Analogue Converter (DAC). What is the resolution of the analogue output?
Find the sets X and Y if X U Y - {1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10}, X ∩ Y = (1,5) and Y-X - {2, 6, 9, 10}.
Convert the infix expression P=12/(7-3)+2 to postfix expression and evaluate it.
Explain how encapsulation and inheritance are advantageous in object oriented programming.
If you throw two unbiased dice (each with six sides) together, what is the probability that the sum of two upward faces will be 7? Explain your answer.
How many total bits are required for a direct mapped cache with 16KB of data and 4-word blocks. assuming a 32 bit address?
Give the necessary conditions for deadlock to occur. Is it possible to have deadlock involving only a single process? Explain your answer.
Consider the following buy a product description. Customer browses catalog, selects items to buy and then goes to check out. Customer fills in shipping information (address, receive time). System presents full pricing information and customer fills in credit card information. System authorizes purchase. confirms sale and sends confirming email to customer. Draw a use case diagram for the above system.
Suppose we want to develop software for a graphic package and we are given the task to implement circle class. The circle class has to be translatable from its origin. And it should also be able to give perimeter and area of the circle. Identify the data and method requirements for the class and give the data flow of translation method.
Using an explanation of the difference between flow-control and congestion control, discuss the impact of a stable end-to-end latency.
Explain the difference between a singly link list and a doubly link list data structure.
Describe, and estimate the costs of, a procedure to insert a new item into an existing binary max-heap.
What is the worst-case time and space complexity of quicksort? Briefly explain how this worst-case behavior can occur.
Write a function which receives an array of integers as parameter and print the numbers divisible by 3 in the array.
Consider that you are given a database of a 'Pet Society' with the following relations.
Animals(ID: integer, Name: string, PrevOwner: string, DateAdmitted: date. Type: string)
Adopter(PSIN: integer, Name: string, Address: string, OtherAnimals: integer)
Adoption(AnimalID: integer, PSIN: integer, AdoptDate: date, chipNo: integer)
Give a sql query that list total number of adoptions on June 30, 2024 for each animal type.
কম্পিউটারের চারটি আউটপুট ডিভাইসের নাম লিখুন।