World Refugee Day is celebrated on -
What reason did the military show for the recent coup in Myanmar?
Which one was the Naval Sector oon the libearaion war Bangladesh?
In which Indian state " Bharat Bangla Maitri Uddan" is located?
Dead Sea is a-
Which of the following countries is not an UN member?
Whichof the following SDG goal speaks about women empowerment?
Who is the pioneer of idea Gross Naional Happiness ( GNH)?
Which of the following Bengali scientists is famous for inventing Mercurous Nitrite?
How3 many Electoral College vote did Joe biden secure in the last US Presidential delection?
Where is the headquarters of ESCAP situated?
Who is the director of the documentary ' A State is Born'
Which of the following chess players is the first grandmaster from Bangladesh?
The River Buriganga is a branch if which river?
In Bangladesh who acts as the administrative head of any ministry?
Which of the following treaties was for the purpose of banning nuclear explosions?
Who was the captain of Bangladesh's first test cricket team?
Who was the captain of Bangladesh's firs test cricket team?
২২ তম ফিফা বিশ্বকাপ ফুটবল ২০২২ সালের কত তারিখে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে?
বাকল্যান্ড বাঁধ কোন নদীর তীরে অবস্থিত ?