সাধারনত স্থাপিত সব বীমে ডিফ্লেকশনের অনুমোদনযোগ্য সীমা-
ওয়াল ফুটিং ডিজাইনে ক্যান্টিলিভার বীমের স্প্যান-
কংক্রিটের ক্ষেত্রে failure load ও workiong এর অনুপাত সাধারণত কত ধরা হয়?
একটি ছয়তলা বিশিষ্ট ভবনের নিচতলায় পানির পাইপ কী পরিমাণ চাপ বহন -এ সক্ষম হওয়া প্রয়োজন?
The main threat of Cloud based provisioning is
Which of the following programming helps you to learn Androied programming
Which one is modern light weight massage exchange format?
In which model prototype can be developed?
The time communicate between Bangladesh and USA is the same as that to communicate between two adjacent houses mask used should be:
E-mail is a protocol of the following layer___
ALU stores the computed result immediately in
Which of the following is a project scheduling method that can be applied to software development/
Which protocol is used for secured web browing
Which tool could be used for detecting vulnerability through SQL Injection
Which software is mostly used for virtualization?
Which of the following is the security equipment?
Trojan can be introduced through ?
How many layer Internet Protocol suite?
Which of the following data structure is non- linear type?
The operation of processing each element in the list is known as