What is the verb of the word 'Shortly'?
কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
Which one of the following in correct?
Telling lies _________ a great sin.
His building is adjacent ___________ mine.
কোনটি Common noun?
It has been raining ____________ morning?
What is the plural from of 'Sheep'?
By and large' means-
What kind of noun is 'River'?
Sentence-এর কয়টি অংশ?
He is not _________ good health?
Choose the correct one-
Identify the feminine gender-
Identify the appropriate preposition: We are blessed ____ three lovely grandchildren.
Select the sentence in which 'home' is an adjective:
Choose the right option to fill in the blank: 'Listen! I can hear someone _____ at the door'.
Identify the right option to fill in the gap: We have had tasty and - meals.
Which one may be used instead of 'continue'?
What is the synonym for growth?