Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
What we cure must be endured
What cannot be cured must be endured
What cannot cured must endured
What could be cure must be endured.
Hasan said that he wanted some rice
Hasan wished that he might have some rice
Hasan prayed that he might have some rice
Hasan suggested to have rice
I need this job urgently.
I am in need this work job urgently.
I am in need of this job.
He said that he was writing a letter.
He said that he is writing a letter.
He said that he has written a letter.
He said that he has been writing a letter.
We are taught English by him.
We taught English by him.
The train leaves in right time.
The train has left at right time.
The train is leaving in just time.
The train has right time left.