Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature?
who is the author of 'A Farewell to Arms'?
Who is the most famous satirist in English Literature?
What is the synonym of 'Delude'?
What is the noun of the word 'waste'?
What is the antonym of 'Queer'?
What is the adjective of the word 'Heart'?
He died __ cancer.
He has been sick since last weck.- এটা কোন 'Tense' এর উদাহরণ?
The greater the demand ___ the price.
নিচের কোনটি Adverb?
Could you tell me ______
The verb of the word 'strong' is _____
'A man of letter' means _____
দু'য়ে দু'য়ে চার হয়- ইংরেজিতে কি?
He prefers milk _____ tea.
You should abide _____ the rules.
সকাল থেকে গুড়ি গুড়ি বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে?
The team is _____ eleven players.
There are _____ types of present tense.