Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Is English spoke well by him?
Is English spoken well to him?
Is English spoken well by him?
Was English spoken well by him?
Book written by famous writer
Neither of these bus goes past the historical monument
Neither of these buses go past the historical monument
Neither of these buses goes past the historical monument
Neither of these buses does not go past the historical monument
The hawker on the pavement talks about his product as though it solved all kinds of problems
The hawker on the pavement talks about his product as though it solves all kinds of problems
The hawker on the pavement talks about his product as though it can solve all kinds of problems
The hawker on the pavement talks about his product as it though it solved all kinds of problems
No sooner had the chief guest departed then the crowd became violent.
No sooner had the chief guest departed than the crowd became violent.
No sooner the chief guest had departed than the crowd became violent.
No sooner the chief guest departed than the crowd had became violent.
Diagnose the symptoms of the problem carefully lest you should make a silly mistake
Diagnose the symptoms of the problem carefully nor you should make a silly mistake
Diagnose the symptoms of the problem carefully therefore you should make a silly mistake
Diagnose the symptoms of the problem carefully lest you make a silly mistake