The CEO's _________ approach to leadership alienated many of his subordinates, who felt stifled by his rigid policies and lack of empathy.
The board of directors was unanimous in its decision, finding the plan both ___ and innovative.
In contrast to last year's model, the new electric car features a more efficient battery and a streamlined design, allowing it to travel farther on a single charge and ____ better in extreme conditions.
Because of the ____ of reliable information, her report was comprised mostly of speculation.
As far asA money isB concerned, I'dC like to beD rich. No ErrorE
The restaurant hadA burgers, sandwichesB and pizzas; weorderedC the formerD No errorE
None of us haveA enough money to undertakeB the project alone, so we hadC to depend onD our parents. No errorE
It wasA serendipity rather thanB genius that leadsC the archaeologi ist to his breathtaking discoveryD of the ancient civilization. No errorE
The new guidelines mandateA that students not onlyB submitC their assignments on time, but also participate (D) actively in class discussions. No errorE
Which of the following is the synonym of LUGUBRIOUS?
Which of the following is the synonym of QUIESCENT?
Synonym of 'Prolific' is-
Adjective form of 'Miser' is-
The author of the book A Thousand Splendid Suns is-
They while their evenings with books and games. Here while is-
Which of the following words is correctly spelt?
I predict that by 2030, men ______ landed on Mars.
I ____________ anything from her in long time.
Mr. Rahim is the ________ of the brothers.
The apple was ripe __________ the core.