Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Would you please let me sit here?
Would you mind my sitting here?
The man was tall who is stealing my bag.
The man was tall who stole my bag.
The man stole my bag who was tall.
The man who stole my bag was tall.
He asked me to wait until he comes.
He told me to wait until he has come.
He asked me to wait until he came.
If he helps us, we shall win.
Let him do this or they will die.
Work hard or you can't prosper in life.
Make sure you take an umbrella.
Watch out for falling animals.
raincoats as protection against the oncoming deluge.
raincoats to keep us dry.
raincoats what will help to mop dry.
raincoats which will keep us dry.
Karim has gone to Rajshahi
Karim has been to Rajshahi