No article is used before -
He was_______ to die
'ডাক্তার ডাক' বাক্যটির ইংরেজি অনুবাদ হবে-
'He is poor but honest' in this sentence which is conjunction?
What does the face 'give in' mean?
Which of the following spelling is correct?
Find the correct sentence:
I spent .... with the patient.
কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
The meaning of the 'Feel at home'?
Many শব্দের Synonym কোনটি?
Thank you very much"- এ বাক্যে very শব্দটি একটি-
One who deals in cattle is-
Praise শব্দের antonym কোনটি?
Which one is the incorrect sentence?
Which spelling is correct
'Don't go far'- The word far is
Noun of the word 'Poor' is-
He runs fast. Here the 'fast' is-
'লোকটির মরমর অবস্থা'- Translate it into English.