Identify the correct spelling:
Complete the sentence: If we studied well, we-
Put the appropriate prepositionto fill up the blank: I have no aspiration ___ riches.
It is our central library. The underlined word is a-
What is the noun of the word 'do'?
The verb of 'variation' is-
Which one is a plural noun?
'Hardly' means-
A statement based on supposition is said to be-
Past Participle form of 'telecast' is-
Full expression of N.B is-
Are you __ the right track?
I am hand and glove with him. Here "hand and glove' means-
Hush Money
One should keep one's promise.
One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power or prestige.
correctly spelt word -
Sooner than he had arrived(a) his friends arranged (b) a reception in his honor in(c) the best(d) hotel in town.
It is high time we ___ home. শূন্যস্থানে কী বসবে?
"Parent" gender?