Root and Branch অর্থ-
কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
CONDUIT nearest meaning word
We should give a "wide berth" to bad characters. ( Choose the best describe meaning of the quoted phrase)
She never visits any zoo because she is a strong opponent of the idea of- (Choose the correctly completes the sentence given)
Choose the correct spelling.
Choose the appropriate preposition : There were two people ----the picture.
Analogy , Choose the best answer from the options that parallels the given pair of words. WORDS : WRITER
I can give you no assurance ---- help.
The committee had an inquiry --- the case.
He refrained ---- passing any comment.
The opposite of 'hamper' is-
Which one is not a singular number?
Which one is not an adjective?
What is the plural of 'Spectrum'
Who wrote 'Utopia'?
'A voyage to Lilliput' is known is-
Lord Tennyson is known as-
Father of English poetry is-
Fill in the blank with the correct word/phrase . If you had come in time , I ______