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আমি সন্ধার পর মোটেও বাইরে যাই না।
আমি সন্ধার পর প্রায়ই বাইরে যাই।
আমি সন্ধার পরপরই বাইরে যাই।
আমি সন্ধার পর কদাচিৎ বাইরে যাই
I finished my duty, amn't I?
I finished my duty, did I?
I finished my duty, didn't I?
I finished my duty, don't I?
Tell me what is your name.
Tell me what the name you bear.
Tell me what the your name.
Tell me what your name is.
There are lees to every wine
Where there is life, There is hope
well-informed-knowing little
He disgrace eternally and he betrayed his country
He betrayed his country and his was to his eternal disgrace
He Betrayed his country and it was his eternal disgrace
It was eternal disgrace and he betrayed his country