'Select' (Match the best nearly meaning that correspond to the quotations word)
A sonnet is a poem having --- lies .
Education is enlightening. here "Enlightening" is ---
Seeing is-
to believe
Antonym of the word 'urbane'
'She is now a student of ... university. Fill in the blank in the above sentence :
Which one of the following is a plural noun ?
Why do gift -gives assume gift price is closely linked to gift -recipients feelings of appreciation?
Choose the correct sentence :
"Leave no stone unturned" means -
What is the adjective of word 'Heart'?
Looking directly ..... the sun is bad for your eyes.
Select the choice which gives the correct spelling :
The door ---- automatically. The right form of the verb to fill in the gap is ---
How fine the flower is!- It is an
Which one is correct?
When water ----, it turns into ice.
The negative form of "Man is mortal" is ----
He got ..... his illness quickly.
নিচের কোনটি সঠিক বানানযুক্ত শব্দ ?