Who is the greatest modern English Dramatist?
বর্ষা শুরু হয়েছে ।
Fill in the gap with preposition: He died………….overeating?
The securites broker is →ais an essential link →camongthe cinsumner →dand the stock market.
The training manager →amust estimate the expences →bfor the program, including cost for →cdits develop delivery and evaluation.
What is the synonym of 'ability'?
What is the correct spelling?
Fill in the gap with article: He is ........ M.A. in English
কোন পুস্তকটি Charles Dickens এর লেখা?
Which sentence is correct?
ভুল করা মানুষের স্বভাব- Translate into English?
Opposite Word: OFFER
Which one is plural number?
What is the opposite gender of "Ram"?
The patient had died before the doctor came - Which tense is it?
He is a nice man. here 'nice' is ---
The word ‘Incredible’ means -
Which one will appear fourth in the list if they are arranged in alphabetical order ?
Two and two......... four.
The antonym of ‘recession’-