Which one is the water image of ADVANCE?
Which two of the following are not neighbours?
Who is in immediate right to the V?
Which of the following is correct?
What is the position of S?
K is 40m South-West of L. If M is 40m South-East of L, then M is in which direction of K? (L এর ৪০ মিটার দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমে K। যদি L-এর ৪০ মিটার দক্ষিণ-পূর্বে M হয় তাহলে M, Kএর কোন দিকে?)
Which one of the following birds is different from the rest?
Choose the word which is different from the rest.
Choose the pair in which the words are differently related from the rest.
Choose the odd one out from the followings.
Pointing to a woman, Nazimsaid, 'Her granddaughter is the only daughter of m brother. "How is the woman related to Nazim?
MEMORY' শব্দটির আয়নার প্রতিবিম্ব কোনটি?
UNFARE শব্দটি আয়নায় দেখলে তার সঠিক রূপটি হবে-
কোনটি “প্রদত্ত চিত্র” - এর আয়নার প্রতিফলন?