কম্পিউটার থেকে কম্পিউটারে তথ্য আদান-প্রদানের প্রযুক্তিকে বলা হয়?
Which one is the database software?
নিচের কোনটি একটি এন্টিভাইরাস সফটওয়্যার ?
Pixel of a color monitor consists of 3 color dots. The colors are -
which one is not an e-mail software ?
"CSB bank maintains a corporate websites in their own web server. Through a secure network and proper authentication process, al internal staffs are allowed to access the website information. The external people or correspondence are prohibited to access the bank's website." Which of the following technology is related or comply with the above statement ?
Which of the following is not an operating system?
What is a 'Laptop' ?
CD-ROM stand for -
An example of an electronic spread sheet package is -
Which of the following is an advantage of computers ?
The World Wide Web is part of the -
The most distinctive difference between a LAN and a WAN is -
The application that allows millions of people to access the World Wide Web daily is called a Web -
Questionnaires and many standardized tests use ___ technology to input the data.
The most common storage media are
An entry in a spread sheet like = A4+A5+A6+A7 is an example of a :
The term ___ describes the process of revising a document .
Records are composed of ___ such as a name, address , and phone number.
Programming errors detected by the language translator are called __ errors .