The historic 'Gangasagor Dighi' of rajarbag in Dhaka city bears the memory of-
Who is one is not unary operation in relational algebra?
Open system intercommunication model has....... Layers?
The process of loading the Operating System in the memory is known as
You are the student of Dhaka University . You have computer and Internet connection . From PC, you browse the e-commerce web sites and submit an order through online using your international credit card to purchase 50 books . This type of transaction is known as -
Which key is to be pressed in computer for moving to the beginning a text?
The name of the inventor of Bangla Computer Keyboard 'Bijoy' who has received the legal protection of intellectual property right is :
Which of the following memories needs refreshing ?
What is the meaning of e-mail?
Which of the following is a valid ending for a word file?
One Megabyte is equal to
1024 bytes
102 bytes
1010 bytes
105 bytes
1000000 bytes
What type of device is computer keyboard ?
কম্পিউটার সমস্ত কাজ সম্পাদিত হয় কোন সংখ্যার দ্বারা?
In computers, what is the smallest and basic unit of information storage?
In a computer text code convert letters into-
Which of the following is not a micro computer ?
Which of the following is associated with error detector ?
কম্পিউটার থেকে কম্পিউটারে তথ্য আদান-প্রদানের প্রযুক্তিকে কী বলা হয় ?
Which of the following extensions is used for picture files stored in computer?
Which one is an output device?