(2FA)16 এই হেক্সাডেসিমেল সংখ্যাটিকে অক্টালে রূপান্তর করুন :
পার্সোনাল কম্পিউটার যুক্ত করে নিচের কোনটি তৈরি করা যায়?:
টেলিপ্রিন্টার একটি ----
A light sensitive device that covert drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is -
Microsoft Windows is a (n)
The operating system creates ....... from the physical computer
Ctrl + N is used to -
The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a -
Different icons of application software can be found in which bar in latest version of Microsoft Windows?
নিচের কোনটি ইনপুট ডিভাইস?
Optical fiber cable - এ তথ্য আদান -প্রদানের মাধ্যমে হলো-
ইলেক্ট্রো -ম্যাগনেটিক ওয়েভ
বিদ্যুৎ ও আলো উভয়ই
..... is a popular database management software .
Which type of device is use by banking websites to enter the password and prevent keystroke legging?
..... is the tem used to define all output and input devices in the computer system?
A commonly used graphic format for the Web is -
Identify the volatile storage device amongst the following devices?
The first ever image of a Black Hole at the center of the M87 Galaxy could be photographed using a telescope system called
FORTRAN is a programming language which stands for?
In which upazila government has introduced health insurance plan as a pilot program to ensure healthcare services for the poor?
Instruction and memory address are represented by