' ল্যাপটপ' কি?
3G বলতে কি বোঝায়?
What is the main folder on a storage device called?
Who is the vice among following is used for sending digital data over a phone line?
Operating system is a/an-
একটি Computer file এর Extension .mp3 এটা কোন ধরনে file?
ডাটাবেজ টেবিলের রেকর্ডসমুহকে বিশেষ লজিক্যাল অর্ডারে সাজিয়ে রাখাকে কি বলে
which device may be used for primary input o OCR?
OTG-cable is not releted to
A statute for the protection of the right of consumers in Bangldesh was first enacted in the year
which of the following is not an output device?
The device used for measuring altitudes is __
The process of transferring files form a computer on the Internet to your computer is called __
পৃথিবীতে কখন ল্যাপটপ কম্পিউটার প্রবর্তিত হয় এবং কোন কোম্পানি এটা তৈরি করে?
which one is not an example of disruptive technology?
what is the binary of 68?
which of the following is a spreadsheet software?
why do we need to normalize a database?
Physical connection between Microprocessor Memory other parts is called__
A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is __