In a body
In a Body (একত্রে) = My all friends left the place in a body.
Maiden speech
Maiden speech ( প্রথম বক্তব্য) = Mr. Joy's Maiden speech fascinated all.
Null and void
Null and void ( বাতিল ) = The rule is null and void now.
Kith and kin
Kith and Kin (আত্মীয় স্বজন) = Tutul's has no kith and keen here.
Face to face
Face to Face (মুখোমুখি / সরাসরি) = If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly.
The sun sets in _____west.
The sun sets in the west.
He is _____M.B.B.S.
He is an M.B.B.S.
I have no prejudice ____her.
I have no prejudice against her.
He sent me a cheque----5,000 Taka.
He sent me a cheque of 5,000 Taka.
I cannot make _____what he says.
I cannot make out what he says.
He knows swim
He knows how to swim.
His English knowledge is poor.
His knowledge of English is poor.
He is my cousin brother.
He is my cousin.
He is confident to get the bus.
He is confident on getting the bus.
The rice of Bangladesh is better than Thailand
The rice of Bangladesh is better than that of Thailand.
তুমি কোন বইটি পছন্দ কর?
Which book do you like?
বঙ্গোপসাগর বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণে অবস্থিত
The Bay of Bengal is situated on the south of Bangladesh.
১৯৭১ সালে বাংলাদেশ স্বাধীন হয়।
Bangladesh has got independence in 1971.
সে কলম দিয়ে লিখে
He writes with pen.
পরিশ্রম সৌভাগ্যের প্রসূতি।
Industry is the key to success.
“Digital Bangladesh”
Digital Bangladesh means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on line. Here all the possible tasks of government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e-production, e-education etc. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be reduced radically. It will make people think globally and connect them with the whole world economically, socially, politically, academically and even culturally. It will improve our banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce all these sections will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. To make our country digital first of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured and we have to develop computer network skill and ensure equitable access. Finally, our education should be computer based and in primary and secondary schools
students should get easy access to the computer.