Adverse Effect of Technology on Our Daily Life
Since the Industrial Revolution (ঘূর্ণন) of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there have been many advances in technology. The invention of the telephone, the cell phone, and the computer have greatly increased society's ability to and automobiles have enabled more efficient transportation. Television and the World Wide Web have provided entertainment for people of all ages. Technological inventions seem to have improved our way of life, but they have caused many side effects that have a negative impact on the world as well. Although there have been many advances in technology in recent years, this technology has had a harmful effect on social interactions. health, and the environment.
Technology has played a big role in the development of various industries, it has changed the banking sector, changed education, changed the agricultural industry, changed the entertainment word, in has restructured many businesses. The impacts of technology can not be measured because it is still changing the way we do everything. However technology also has some negative impacts. Below I have listed some of the impacts of technology in our lives both in a positive way and negative way.
1. Adverse Effect of Technology on Our Daily Life:
m জন ছাত্র একটি বনভোজনে যাবে। বনভোজনে মোট খরচ হবে y টাকা। কিন্তু দুর্ভাগ্যক্রমে z জন ছাত্র বনভোজন থেকে তাদের নাম বাদ দিল। প্রশ্ন হলো, বাকি ছাত্রদের প্রত্যেকেই কত টাকা করে চাঁদা দিবে?
Number of students interested to go to picnic was m
Total cost of picnic was estimated to be y taka.
As z students withdrew their names, actual number of students who wanted to go is (m-z).
Amount of money will have to be paid by remaining students Taka.
So, each of the remaining students have to pay more=
More taka would pay each of the remaining students. (Ans)
প্রশ্নে বলা হচ্ছে, তিন সংখ্যা বিশিষ্ট একটি সংখ্যার তিনটির যোগফল 10. মাঝের অঙ্কটি অন্য দুটি সংখ্যার সমষ্টির সমান এবং ঐ দুটি সংখ্যা স্থান বিনিময় করলে যে সংখ্যাটি পাওয়া যায় তা মূল সংখ্যার চেয়ে 99 বেশি হলে সংখ্যাটি কত?
From equation (iii)
putting the value of z in equation (ii)
putting the value of y & z in equation (i)
putting the value of x in equation (v)
putting the value of x in equation (iv)
The number will be