Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. || Trainee Senior Officer (30-11-2018) || 2018


সকল বিষয়

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চলতি বছরের প্রথম ৯ মাসে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বাজারে ৪১৬ কোটি ৮০ লাখ ডলারের তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানি করেছে বাংলাদেশ। এটি গত বছরের একই সময়ে রপ্তানি হওয়া ৩৯০ কোটি ৮১ লাখ ডলারের চেয়ে ৫ দশমিক ৮৪ শতাংশ বেশি। শুধু প্রবৃদ্ধি নয়, যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে বাজার হিসাবেও এগিয়েছে বাংলাদেশ। যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও চীনের মধ্যে চলছে বাণিজ্যযুদ্ধ। বাণিজ্যযুদ্ধের কারণে চীনে পোশাক উৎপাদনের খরচ বাড়তে পারে এবং মার্কিন ক্রেতাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের অনেক ক্রয়াদেশ বাংলাদেশ, ভিয়েতনাম, কম্বেডিয়া ও ভারতে যাবে। ইতিমধ্যে নতুন নতুন ক্রেতারা আমাদের উদ্যোক্তাদের সঙ্গে কথাবার্তা বলা শুরু করেছেন। পুরোনো ক্রেতারা ক্রয়াদেশ বাড়চ্ছেন। ভিয়েতনামের চেয়ে রপ্তানিতে বেশ পিছিয়ে থাকলেও প্রবৃদ্ধিতে অনেকটা কাছাকাছি চলে এসেছে তৃতীয় শীর্ষ রপ্তানিকারকে দেশ বাংলাদেশ। সামনের মাসগুলোতে রপ্তানি পরিমাণে বৃদ্ধি পাবে বলে প্রত্যাশাও করছেন তৈরি পোশাকশিল্প মালিকেরা।

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago

Bangladesh has exported the ready made garments worth's $466 crore 80 lakhs to the USA market in the first nine months of the ongoing year. This is 5.84 percent more than that of the exported ready made garments for $390 crore 81 lakhs in the same time of the previous year. Not only for the export growth, Bangladesh has made a giant stride in capturing the large USA market. There has been a trade-war between China and USA. On account of this, China may rise the cost of production of apparels and many of the consumer organization's buying order of USA will go to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia and India. In the mean time, new buyers have started talking to our entrepreneurs. Old buyers are raising buying orders. Though remained far behind than Vietnam in apparel exporting, Bangladesh, as a third largest exporting country, has come to very close to the Vietnam in terms of growth. Owners of the ready made garment industry's expect that the export will go up amount in the upcoming months.

Describe the information contained in the following table:

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago

The above outlined figure describes the loan outstanding in different types of Industries. There are 4 types of industries among which 4 types of private and state owned commercial banks disburse the outstanding amount. They advanced loans among them in two consecutive years namely 2016 and 2017. In 2016, the foreign commercial banks had the 75.10% loan outstanding to the large industries which is the highest amount of loan disbursed among industries in 2016 but soon after the next year it fell down to 73.09%. In 2016, specialized banks had the 69% loan outstanding to the large industries which is second in position but soon after the next year it fell down drastically to 47.57%. State owned commercial banks played vital role in granting loan to the cottage industries in 2016. But their loan outstanding fell significantly to 0.50% in 2017. In this field, private and foreign commercial banks granted loan by 0.23% and 0.74% in 2016 and 0.13% and 0.42% in 2017 respectively. It shows a declined trend in granting loan in the field of cottage industries by private and foreign commercial banks.

In sum, it can be said that the life line of our economy is the small and medium industries. To run these industries smoothly, we need to finance them heavily. Besides, other industries need to be evolved as well. So, to foster them and to letting them evolve, not only state owned commercial and specialized banks has the responsibilities, the private and foreign commercial banks need to come forward while grating loan for them.

Enhancing the Capacity of Human Resources in Bangladesh: Necessity and Challenges

Human resources is used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and the department responsible for managing resources related to employees. But the concept of human resources emphases the integration of human capital and human needs aspects of human resources in development. There are various components of human resources such as health, education, environment, employment, manpower development and science and technology.

The human resource is the basic raw material and the potent force to build up the nation. It is known that entire people are the real wealth of a nation and considered them as human resources. All the development initiatives depend on people at large. But a large number of people are disadvantaged for not to be as a skilled manpower. The overall development of a country will be absolutely impossible by neglecting the development of human resources.

But there are some challenges of enhancing the human resources in Bangladesh. The main hindrances are overpopulation, education, poverty and malnutrition. Comparing with our given area, this country is burdened with the huge number of population which is increasing day by day in an alarming rate. Our resources are very scarce. This scarce resources are not sufficient enough to generate employment.

Lack of investment in the productive sectors in the another big reason for inefficient manpower in our country. GDP to private and public investment ratio is very low comparing to the other developing nations. Bangladesh is in the lowest position in attracting foreign direct investment. This does make our manpower less unproductive as huge number of working force is awaking for job creation.

Another encumbrance of enhancing our human resources is lack of proper education. It is believed that the education makes people perfect and produces them as an efficient working force. Lack of technical and vocational education is the main reason for unemployment. The prevailing education system produces a lot of clerk rather than produces self-employed individual. So conventional secondary and tertiary education system can not play role in enhancing the human capital of Bangladesh.

Poverty and malnutrition are the stumbling factors work behind producing unskilled manpower in our country. Though huge number of people go abroad each year, but due lack of experience and skill, they are forced to go back their origin which is very much humiliating for our country. People who go abroad should be given proper training. As they are the main foreign currency earners, so the government should pay due attention to them.

2 জন পুরুষ ও 5 জন মহিলার একটি দল 3 দিনে একটি কাজের 1/4 অংশ করল। 3 দিন পরে, আর একজন পুরুষ ঐ টিমে যোগ করলেন এবং তারা একত্রে 2 দিনে আরো 1/4 অংশ কাজ করল। কত জন পুরুষ 4 দিনে কাজটি করতে পারবে?

2 men and 5 women require 3 days to complete 14 job

∴ They complete 14 ×3 = 112 job in 1 day.

3 men + 5 women require 2 days to complete 14 job;

∴ They complete 14 ×2= 18 in 1 days.

3 men+5 women   = 18 2 men +5 women  = 112                 (Subtracting) 1 man = 18 - 112 = 3-224 =124


124 job is done in 1 day by 1 men

∴ 1 job is done in 1 day by 24 men

∴ 1 job is done in 4 day by 244 = 6 men

Let, Tk. X is the additional money Mrs. Barbara invests at 8% interest

∴ Her total investment = (x + 2,400) Tk.

According to the question,

(2,400 × 5%) + (x × 8% ) = (2,400 + x) × 6%  120 + 8x100 = 2400 + x × 6100 120 + 8x100 = 144 + 6x100 8x100 - 6x100 = 144 - 120  2x100 = 24  x50 = 24 

 x = 1200 টাকা ans.

প্রশ্নে বলা হচ্ছে, একটি বাগানের দৈর্ঘ্য 60 মিটার এবং প্রস্থ 20 মিটার। যদি বাগানের ভিতরে 5 মিটার প্রস্থের একটি রাস্তা থাকে তাহলে এ রাস্তার ক্ষেত্রফল কত বর্গমিটার?

Given that, the length of garden is 60 meter

And the breadth of garden is 20 meter

∴ The area of the garden = (60 × 20) = 1,200 m2

Now, length without path = 60 - (5 × 2) meter = (60-10) meter = 50 meter

And breadth without path = 20-(5 × 2) meter = (20 - 10) meter = 10 meter.

∴ The area of the garden without path = (50 × 10)m2 = 500m2

∴  The area of the path is = (1,200 - 500)m2 = 700m2. ans.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago

102x-5+1x+5=183x-5 102x-5+1x+5 = 15 +33x-5 102x-5+1x+5 = 153x -5 + 33x -5

102x-5- 153x -5 = 33x -5 - 1x+5 [পক্ষান্তর করে]

 10 3x -5 - 15 2x-52x-5 3x-5 = 3 x+5 -1 3x-53x-5 x+5  30x - 50 -30x +752x-5 3x-5 = 3x + 15 -3x +53x-5 x+5   252x-5 3x-5 = 203x-5 x+5 

 52x - 5 = 4x+5  [উভয় পক্ষকে 5 দ্বারা ভাগ করে এবং (3x + 5) দ্বারা গুণ করে ]

 4(2x-5)=5(x+5) [আড় গুণন করে]

 8x - 20 = 5x+25  8x-5x = 25 + 20  3x=45  x = 453 = 15 

∴ নির্ণেয় সমাধান x = 15 (ans)