Since the war between Russia and Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, the global economy has entered a new terrain of uncertainty. The war-induced challenges have surfaced on various fronts. With global economic integration, a crisis of such nature, which involves a country like Russia, is bound to impact other economies. Major countries including the US, the UK, Japan and the European Union (EU) have all suspended economic ties with Russia. Sanctions have been enforced on the Russian financial institutions with the objective to disrupt transactions with the country. As Russia is the third largest oil-producing country in the world, the global economy is suffering as a result of high oil prices. Though developed countries are sourcing their requirements from other oil-producing countries, small and poor countries are finding it difficult with their limited financial abilities to meet their energy requirement. In addition, high oil prices have a knock-on effect on other prices, leading to further inflationary pressure.
Bangladesh is already feeling the heat of the Russia-Ukraine war in many ways. If the war continues for a longer period, the impact will intensify. We are feeling the impact through reduction in exports and rise in import bills. Being an oil-importing country, Bangladesh is already feeling the pressure through high import payments. It was reported earlier by the Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) that it was losing about Tk 19 crore per day. With high oil prices, the chain effect is felt through a hike in the prices of gas, fertiliser, and other essentials. The government raised diesel prices in November 2021 by about 23 percent, which has already been reflected in the market through the high transport costs and prices of other essential items.
In addition to fuel prices, costs of other imported products have also gone up significantly. This will push the production costs up, resulting in higher prices for the consumers. Global sanctions on Russia implies that Bangladesh's trade with Russia is going to be affected. Russia is a market for Bangladesh's ready-made garment (RMG) products. In FY2021, Bangladesh's export to Russia was to the tune of USD 550 million, and import from Russia was USD 480 million. Bangladesh imports wheat and maize from Russia. Sanctions mean Bangladesh will have to import these items from somewhere else.
Russia is also implementing several projects in Bangladesh. The Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) is a large project being implemented by Russia that involves USD 12.65 billion and is scheduled to be completed by 2025. The ongoing war and economic sanctions against Russia could delay this expensive project, which means cost escalation in Bangladesh. This implies higher loans and burden on the country.
The balance of payment will be under pressure due to high prices and trade sanctions. At the end of January of FY2021-22, the current account deficit reached USD 10 billion as there was an increase in import payments and reduction in remittances. If high current account deficit persists for a longer period, the exchange rate will also fall under pressure.
It should be kept in mind that the impact of the war will continue for some time, even after it is over, since it will take time for the economy to recover from the damages. Therefore, countries will still be feeling the impact of the crisis for a longer period, and thus should be prepared for that.
The policymakers in Bangladesh will have to monitor the market closely. The country should quickly source commodities from the global market at competitive prices and distribute essential commodities at reduced prices through open market sales. Prudent macroeconomic management should be followed to create fiscal space. As the government is in the process of formulating the budget for FY2022-23, it should allocate adequate resources for social safety net programmes at a larger scale for the poor and low-income families. In this respect, subsidies for critical commodities, such as fuel, power and agriculture, need to be continued for a few months. The economic recovery will depend on the extent of public expenditure. However, waste of public resources and unnecessary public expenditures should be curtailed. Efforts should be given to expedite projects that are near completion, rather than initiate new ones. The government should carefully use its foreign currency as the import payments continue to rise in the uncertain period of war and beyond.
তাড়াতাড়ি কর, আমরা দেরি করে ফেলেছি।
তাড়াতাড়ি কর, আমরা দেরি করে ফেলেছি।
= Hurry up, we are late.
ডান দিকে মোড় নেয়ার পর আর পাঁচটা ব্লক যাবেন এবং তারপর বাম দিকে মোড় নিবেন।
ডান দিকে মোড় নেয়ার পর আর পাঁচটা ব্লক যাবেন এবং তারপর বাম দিকে মোড় নিবেন।
= After turning right, go another five blocks and then turn left.
ধনী হওয়ার কারণে সে কাউকে পরোয়া করেনা।
ধনী হওয়ার কারণে সে কাউকে পরোয়া করেনা ।
= He does not care about anyone because of his richness.
আমাকে শুধরে দিয়ো যদি আমার ভুল হয়।
আমাকে শুধরে দিয়ো যদি আমার ভুল হয়।
= Correct me if I am wrong.
ইংরেজিতে দক্ষ হওয়ার কারণে সে চাকুরি পেয়েছে।
ইংরেজিতে দক্ষ হওয়ার কারণে সে চাকুরি পেয়েছে।
= Due to being good at English, he got a job.
"I congratulate all workers on the occasion of May Day. Also, I pay tribute to those workers who sacrificed their lives. It is because of them that workers today are able to enjoy their rights. I hope that both workers and owners can nurture a good relationship. I'd like to request labour leaders not to seek assistance from foreigners," she said.
= মে দিবস উপলক্ষে আমি সকল কর্মীদের অভিনন্দন জানাই। এছাড়াও আমি সেই সকল কর্মীদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানাই যারা তাদের জীবন উৎসর্গ করেছে। তাদের কারণেই আজ শ্রমিকরা তাদের অধিকার ভোগ করতে পারছে। আমি প্রত্যাশা করি শ্রমিক এবং মালিক উভয়পক্ষই একটি ভালো সম্পর্ক লালন করতে পারে। তিনি বললেন, শ্রমিক নেতাদের আমি অনুরোধ করি তারা যেন বিদেশীদের কাছে সাহায্য না চান।